هيلارى كلينتون تنعى القاضية روث جينسبرج " كانت لديها بصيرة رائعة "

السبت، 19 سبتمبر 2020 07:36 م
هيلارى كلينتون تنعى القاضية روث جينسبرج " كانت لديها بصيرة رائعة " روث بادر جينسبرج وهيلارى كلينتون
كتب آسر أحمد


اضف تعليقاً واقرأ تعليقات القراء

نعت هيلاري كلينتون، وزيرة الخارجية الأمريكية السابقة ، القاضية روث بادر جينسبرج، التي رحلت أمس عن عالمنا عن عمر يناهز الـ 87 عاماً، بسبب سرطان البنكرياس، بعد مسيرة طويلة في القضاء والقانون.

ونشرت كلينتون ، صورة لها مع جينسبرج عبر حسابها الشخصي بموقع انستجرام، من احدى لقاءاتهم، وسردت مقابلتهم الأولي في البيت الأبيض، وكتبت " كانت روس بادر جينسبرج شخصاً كنت ابحث عنه لفترة طويلة، أعربت عن ضرورة المساواة في الحقوق بين الرجل والمرأة ولديها بصيرة رائعة مكنتها من اثبات الاعتماد على المرأة بدلاً من الرجل في المحاكم وممارسة القانون".


When Ruth Bader Ginsburg came to be interviewed for the Supreme Court vacancy Bill had to fill, she was told that it would be a casual interview on a Sunday afternoon. Bill knew that she was coming so he got out of his Sunday afternoon football-watching clothes and put on a suit and tie, and she came in very casually dressed. She was a little embarrassed about coming to The White House and seeing the president when she was not properly attired. But they hit it off. They had an extraordinary conversation about the Constitution and the role of the courts. It was a masterclass. ⁣ ⁣ Ruth Bader Ginsburg was someone I had looked up to for a long time—as a young lawyer, and throughout my time practicing and teaching law. She believed that the Constitution had to be interpreted as providing for the equal rights of men and women. She understood there were certain assumptions in the law that favored or disfavored men as well as women, and had the brilliant insight that she could demonstrate that lack of equality by litigating on behalf of men. ⁣ ⁣ Her great gift was not only being a brilliant lawyer, litigator, and judge, but also a warm and empathetic human being. She felt the loss of respect and rights that her clients felt. And she felt compelled to try to right those wrongs.⁣ ⁣ This is a devastating personal loss for so many. But more than that, it is a devastating loss for our country. Her memory is already a blessing. May it also be a call to continue her work for justice and equality under the law.

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