كليب "willow" يحقق نجاحا كبيرا بعد 4 أيام فقط من طرحه.. فيديو وكلمات

الإثنين، 14 ديسمبر 2020 03:30 م
كليب "willow" يحقق نجاحا كبيرا بعد 4 أيام فقط من طرحه.. فيديو وكلمات من الكليب
كتبت : رانيا علوى


اضف تعليقاً واقرأ تعليقات القراء


بعد 4 أيام من إطلاقه استطاع كليب تايلور سويفت الجديد الذى يحمل اسم " willow " أن يحقق نجاحا مذهل بين محبى الموسيقى و الغناء حول العالم، وهو الكليب الذى قامت سويفت البالغة من العمر ( 31 عام ) بإخراجه بنفسها، وأغنية " willow " من تأليف تايلور سويفت وآرون ديسنر، و هى واحدة من أغنيات ألبوم تايلور سويفت الجديد الذى يحمل عنوان " evermore " ، و استطاع كليب " willow " أن يحقق نسبة مشاهدة ضخمة على قناة سويفت الخاصة بموقع الفيديو الشهير " يوتيوب " ليصل حتى الآن الى 22 مليون مشاهدة ، إضافة الى تحقيقه 1.1 مليون likes حتى الآن .

كلمات الأغنية  :

[Verse 1]

I'm like the water when your ship rolled in that night

Rough on the surface, but you cut through like a knife

And if it was an open-shut case

I never would've known from that look on your face

Lost in your current like a priceless wine



The more that you say, the less I know

Wherever you stray, I follow

I'm begging for you to take my hand

Wreck my plans, that's my man


[Verse 2]

Life was a willow and it bent right to your wind

Head on the pillow, I could feel you sneakin' in

As if you were a mythical thing

Like you were a trophy or a champion ring

But there was one prize I'd cheat to win



The more that you say, the less I know

Wherever you stray, I follow

I'm begging for you to take my hand

Wreck my plans, that's my man

You know that my train could take you home

Anywhere else is hollow

I'm begging for you to take my hand

Wreck my plans, that's my man


Life was a willow, and it bent right to your wind

They count me out time and time again

Life was a willow, and it bent right to your wind

But I come back stronger than a '90s trend


[Verse 3]

Wait for the signal, and I'll meet you after dark

Show me the places where the others gave you scars

Now this is an open-shut case

I guess I should'a known from the look on your face

Every bait-and-switch was a work of art



The more that you say, the less I know

Wherever you stray, I follow

I'm begging for you to take my hand

Wreck my plans, that's my man

You know that my train could take you home

Anywhere else is hollow

I'm begging for you to take my hand

Wreck my plans, that's my man

The more that you say, the less I know

Wherever you stray, I follow

I'm begging for you to take my hand

Wreck my plans, that's my man

You know that my train could take you home

Anywhere else is hollow
















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