"الداخلية" تصدر بيانا باللغة الإنجليزية عن كواليس حادث "اختطاف الطائرة"

الثلاثاء، 29 مارس 2016 10:52 م
"الداخلية" تصدر بيانا باللغة الإنجليزية عن كواليس حادث "اختطاف الطائرة" وزارة الداخلية
كتب محمود عبد الراضى


اضف تعليقاً واقرأ تعليقات القراء
أصدرت وزارة الداخلية، بيانا باللغة الانجليزية شرحت فيه كواليس حادث اختطاف مواطن للطائرة المصرية وتحرير الرهائن وأبرزت القضايا المتهم فيها خاطف الطائرة،مؤكدة أن المطارات المصرية تخضع لإجراءات تأمين عالمية..

جاء نص البيان باللغة الانجليزية كاالتالى .

Press release

Cairo, MOI, March 29, 2016

An EgyptAir flight 181 that departed Tuesday morning from Borg El-Arab airport in Alexandria to Cairo Airport was hijacked by the Egyptian Saif Edddin Mostafa, born on June 26, 1957 in Cairo. He was married to Cypriot women. He claimed to be wearing an explosive belt, forcing the pilot to reroute to Laranca in Cyprus.

The ministry of Interior revealed the hijacker to have a criminal record with several crimes of forgery, impersonation, burglary and drug dealing.

Saif Edddin Mostafa was sentenced to one year in prison for forgery. He escaped during January 2011. Legal procedures were later taken against him, the sentence was resumed as of January 5, 2014, and he was released in January 3, 2015.

Applied security procedures were taken before the plane take off according to international measures. He was personally checked, as well as his luggage through X-RAY electronic gates, in addition to self-inspection which was displayed by monitoring cameras stationed at the departure hall. His handbag was checked. It contained personal non-prohibited belongings which he used to imply that he was wearing an explosive belt and threatened the crew and passengers. His request to reroute the flight was approved for passengers and plane safety.

The Ministry of Interior with all its services will continue to apply all the necessary security procedures to protect the homeland and the Egyptian people, particularly at airports and seaports according to the international measures of flights security.

موضوعات متعلقة ..

بيان للداخلية: مكونات "الحزام المزيف" لخاطف الطائرة المصرية كانت بحقيبته


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