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مطالب مصرية بطرد الجزائر من كأس العالم

الجمعة، 20 نوفمبر 2009 02:20 م
مطالب مصرية بطرد الجزائر من كأس العالم مطالب بطرد الجزائر من كأس العالم
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اضف تعليقاً واقرأ تعليقات القراء
خرجت مطالب على "الفيس بوك" عبر "الجروبات" الحقوقية والحزبية، بحث الشعب المصرى على إرسال رسائل إلى الاتحاد الدولى لكرة القدم "الفيفا" لمعاقبة الجزائر بإخراجها من كأس العالم، بسبب الهجمات التى وصفوها بـ "الوحشية" على المشجعين المصرين.

ووضعت الرسالة التى صيغت باللغة الإنجليزية بـ5 طرق، لإرسالها عبر الموقع الإلكترونى للفيفا http://www.fifa.com/contact/form.html .

الصيغة الأولى:

What happened in the match between Egypt and Algeria established in the Sudan from the terrorism of the masses of Algeria and the instigation of the Algerian football federation event does not belong to football and inconsistent with the policy of fair play from FIFA and declared that the first thing that happened before the game to break into the Algerian public to pitch and what happened in the Algerian football players before the match and during the national anthems of both teams and terrorism suffered by the Egyptian public before and after the game in Sudan and Algeria, all this has had a clear impact on the outcome of the game, so please FIFA reported undertaking the appropriate decision to write off the Algerian national team or a re-match behind closed doors

صيغة ثانية:

To the International Federation of football
We urge you to Withdrawal the Algerian team from qualifying to the World Cup because of their Barbarism and the lack sports ethics, and attacking the Egyptian team and Egyptian Citizens using weapons like knives and machetes
And we have full faith of your wisdom and Justice in solving problems
Thank you so much

صيغة ثالثة:

Hey all of you , Fifa Signture is My game is Fair play and what algeria did today in the match with Egypt is not fair play First :they Stormed the field before the match , they destroyed the bus of Egyptian players , they Threatened players and Egyptian people with death Second : they through fire into the field during the match Third : they stopped the Egyptian buses in sudan and hit egyptian people and some of them was killed or Permanently injured so , it was no a fair game and what all we need is to rescue us and rescue what Fifa What are trying to be applied in the spirit of sports Egypt Presented to the world The Best Youth World Cup so you must protect her right to access to the World Cup and re-calculating or outcome of the game in favor of Egyptour game is fair play
thanks Great Fifa

الصيغة الرابعة:

The slogan of Fifa is " My game is Fair play "
What Algerians did during and after the match with Egyptians is not a fair play at all !!
Firstly : they Stormed the field before the match, destroyed Egyptian players' transportation , they also threatened us with death in a video released before the match stating that the Algerians aren't looking to win but they are looking to kill the Egyptian people in khartoum !!
Secondly : they threw fireworks into the field during the match in a well documented accidents in sudanese police stations.
Thirdly : they cut through the Egyptian buses in Sudan and hit egyptian people, some of them were killed or Permanently injured.
This was not a fair play !!
What we demand is having some justice and rescue what Fifa are trying to apply in the spirit of sport.
Egypt Presented to the world the best organized Youth World Cup championship till now and this requires you to protect it's right in a fair game without kills, without molotov bombs, without knives, without miltias roaming the streets looking for a soccer fan to kill .. we want a fair game without terrorists broadcasting videos threatening to kill us .. we demand a rematch on a neutral well secured land nothing more nothing less
Best regards,

الصيغة الخامسة:

Dear FIFA Officials,
Violent attacks took place by Algerian fans against the Egyptian fans in Sudan, specially after winning the last match in Sudan. Though egyptians haven't got in touch with them and Sudan police forces tried to protect egyptians but Algerian violenc...e was above imagination. They chased egyptians in Kh...artoum streets with their cold streets they have already bought when they arrived there. Lot of egyptian symbol and famous have been injured and are hiding in Sudani houses. Owing to these events, We ask for cancelling their qualification to World Cupand should be punished for such behavior.Algeria is not a team deserves to present Africa in World CupAlso their disturbance works have been witnessed by all the multimedia in their country to the egyptian companies and investments.

After the unfortunate events match between Egypt and Algeria, I call for cancellation of the Union FIFA game, which was held between Egypt and Algeria in Sudan after what happened in Algeria after the public from the game infringed on the Egyptian public beatings, insults and humiliation
According to Article 10 of the Code of the Federation of FIFA asking for cancellation of the game and a game behind closed doors and on neutral ground

الصيغة السادسة:

To the International Federation of football
We urge you to Withdrawal the Algerian team from qualifying to the World Cup because of their Barbarism and the lack sports ethics, and attacking the Egyptian team and Egyptian Citizens using weapons like knives and machetes
And we have full faith of your wisdom and Justice in solving problems
Thank you so much

الصيغة السابعة:

Hey all of you , Fifa Signture is My game is Fair play and what algeria did today in the match with Egypt is not fair play First :they Stormed the field before the match , they destroyed the bus of Egyptian players , they Threatened players and Egyptian people with death Second : they through fire into the field during the match Third : they stopped the Egyptian buses in sudan and hit egyptian people and some of them was killed or Permanently injured so , it was no a fair game and what all we need is to rescue us and rescue what Fifa What are trying to be applied in the spirit of sports Egypt Presented to the world The Best Youth World Cup so you must protect her right to access to the World Cup and re-calculating or outcome of the game in favor of Egyptour game is fair play
thanks Great Fifa


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